Property Crime Prevention Survey Questions

1. How satisfied are you with police efforts to prevent property crime in your neighborhood? 2. Do officers visibly patrol and respond promptly to calls about property crimes in your area? 3. Does the department offer crime prevention education to local residents and businesses? 4. Are police successful at identifying and arresting repeat property crime […]

Partnerships with Faith Groups Survey Questions

1. How would you characterize the relationship between law enforcement and faith communities in your area? 2. Does the police department engage actively with local religious leaders and groups? 3. Do officers participate in community activities or events at houses of worship? 4. Does the department solicit input and feedback from faith communities? 5. Do […]

Racial Profiling Initiatives Survey Questions

1. How familiar are you with your police department’s policies prohibiting racial profiling? 2. Do you believe racial profiling is strictly prohibited during traffic stops and field contacts? 3. Does the community have input into developing policies banning profiling? 4. Are officers required to undergo regular training on avoiding biased policing? 5. Do police make […]

Handling of Substance Abuse Survey Questions

1. How would you rate police response to drug issues and substance abuse in your community? 2. Do officers seem appropriately trained to handle situations involving drugs or intoxication? 3. Does law enforcement strike the right balance between enforcement and a public health approach to addiction? 4. Should police have a role in connecting those […]

Relations with Youth Survey Questions

1. How would you rate the relationship between police and youth in your community? 2. Do officers engage positively with young people when patrolling neighborhoods and schools? 3. Does the police department have outreach programs specifically aimed at local youth? 4. Do police work cooperatively with schools and youth organizations? 5. Do officers seem approachable […]

Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Survey Questions

1. How would you rate traffic enforcement by police in your neighborhood? 2. Do you believe officers enforce traffic laws fairly and equitably? 3. Does the police department use both manned and automated enforcement methods? 4. Do you think traffic enforcement should focus more on dangerous violations rather than minor infractions? 5. Are officers visible […]

Crisis Intervention Training Survey Questions

1. How familiar are you with crisis intervention training for police officers in your community? 2. Do you believe all officers should receive training on responding to mental health crises? 3. Do police in your community seem well-equipped to handle situations involving individuals experiencing mental illness or emotional distress? 4. Does the police department collaborate […]

Gun Violence Reduction Survey Questions

1. How would you rate the efforts by police to reduce gun violence in your community? 2. Does the police department engage in community outreach to raise awareness about gun violence? 3. Do police work cooperatively with community groups and leaders to reduce shootings? 4. Does the police department use focused deterrence strategies targeting individuals […]

Domestic Violence Response Survey Questions

1. How would you rate the police response to domestic violence in your community? 2. Do officers seem to take domestic violence calls seriously and make them a high priority? 3. When police respond to a domestic violence call, do they try to determine the primary aggressor? 4. Do officers interview the victim and suspect […]

Handling of Mass Protests Survey Questions

1. Do you feel the police department responds appropriately to protests in your community? 2. Do officers allow peaceful protests to occur without interference? 3. Does the police response seem intended to respect the right to protest or to discourage it? 4. Do officers communicate with protest organizers to facilitate safe, lawful demonstrations? 5. Have […]

De-escalation Tactics Survey Questions

1. Do you believe police officers in your community employ de-escalation techniques effectively? 2. Do officers attempt to calm situations through discussion before using physical force? 3. Should all officers receive more training in de-escalation approaches? 4. Do police try to understand and resolve issues non-violently when responding to calls? 5. Do officers avoid escalating […]

Demographic Representativeness Survey Questions

1. Do you feel the racial diversity of the police department reflects the community it serves? 2. Do you think the police department should strive to have more officers of color to match the demographics of the community? 3. Does the gender diversity of the police force adequately represent the population? 4. Should efforts be […]

Alternatives to Policing Survey Questions

1. How familiar are you with efforts to have mental health professionals or social workers respond to certain calls instead of police officers? 2. Do you think having mental health professionals respond to calls involving individuals experiencing mental health crises would be effective? 3. Do you believe social workers should respond to certain non-violent calls […]

Perceptions of Police Presence Survey Questions

1. How often do you see police officers patrolling your neighborhood? 2. Do you think there are enough police officers patrolling your neighborhood? 3. How quickly do police officers respond when called for non-emergency issues in your neighborhood? 4. How long does it typically take for police to arrive after being called for an emergency […]

Civic Engagement Survey Questions

1. How familiar are you with the community policing efforts in your neighborhood? 2. How often do you attend community meetings or events related to policing in your neighborhood? 3. How well do you feel local law enforcement understands the needs of your community? 4. How comfortable do you feel approaching a police officer to […]

20 Most popular community policing survey questions

How safe do you feel in your neighborhood? Have you observed any suspicious or criminal activity in your neighborhood in the past year? How satisfied are you with the police department’s response to your previous calls for service? Do you feel comfortable approaching and talking to police officers in your community? How well do you […]

The Public Attitude Survey Questions

How safe do you feel in your community? Have you or anyone you know ever had a negative experience with law enforcement? If so, can you describe the experience? Do you feel that law enforcement treats all members of the community fairly and equally? Have you ever witnessed law enforcement using excessive force? If so, […]

Police Survey Questions

Do you feel that our police department is visible and accessible in the community? How would you rate the quality of police training and education in our department? Do you believe that the police treat everyone fairly and equally, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or other factors? How would you rate the level of trust […]

Police Satisfaction Survey Questions

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the overall performance of our police department? How would you rate the professionalism of our officers when interacting with the public? Have you ever witnessed or experienced any misconduct or excessive use of force by our officers? If so, please describe the incident(s). […]

Improving Police Services Questions

How satisfied are you with the overall quality of police services in your community? How well do you feel our police department responds to the needs and concerns of the community? In your opinion, what are the most important services that police should provide to the community? How well do you feel our police department […]

Police Training and Professionalism Questions

How confident are you in the level of training and preparation our police officers receive? How often do you feel our police department updates its training and professional development programs? In your opinion, what areas of training should be emphasized for police officers in our community? How well do you feel our police department handles […]

Police Response and Communication Questions

Have you ever had to contact the police for an emergency or non-emergency situation? If so, how would you rate the response time? Were you satisfied with the level of communication and information provided by the police during your interaction with them? Have you ever had difficulty reaching the police through phone or other communication […]

Community-Oriented Policing Questions

How satisfied are you with the level of police presence in your community? How effective do you feel our police department is in responding to community concerns and issues? Have you had positive interactions with police officers in your community? If so, please describe your experience. How do you think our police department could better […]

Community Involvement in Policing Survey Questions

How important do you believe it is for the community to be involved in policing activities? Have you ever attended a community event or meeting hosted by the police department? If so, how satisfied were you with the event or meeting? How would you rate the police department’s efforts to involve the community in policing […]

Police Department Transparency and Communication Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the police department’s level of transparency regarding its policies, procedures, and practices? How would you rate the police department’s efforts to communicate with the community about its activities and decisions? Have you ever visited the police department’s website to learn more about its activities and policies? If so, how easy […]

Community Safety and Policing Survey Questions

How safe do you feel in your neighborhood and in the community as a whole? How would you rate the police department’s efforts to prevent and reduce crime in our community? Have you or someone you know been a victim of a crime in our community? If so, how satisfied were you with the police […]

Fairness and Impartiality in Policing Survey Questions

How would you rate the overall fairness and impartiality of the police department in our community? Have you or someone you know ever felt unfairly targeted or treated by the police department? If so, please describe the incident. How well do you feel the police department addresses biases and discrimination within its ranks? How well […]

Trust and Accountability in Policing Survey Questions

How would you rate your overall level of trust in the police department? Have you or someone you know ever had a negative interaction with a police officer? If so, please describe the incident. How well do you feel the police department handles complaints against officers? How transparent do you feel the police department is […]

Problem-Solving Survey Questions

In your opinion, what are the top three most pressing issues facing our community today? Have you personally been affected by any of these issues? If so, please describe. How well do you feel the police department is addressing these issues in the community? Have you ever reported a problem or concern to the police […]

Bias and Discrimination in Policing Survey Questions

Have you witnessed or experienced bias or discrimination by police officers in your community? If yes, please describe the incident(s) you witnessed or experienced. How well do you feel the police department educates its officers on bias and discrimination in policing? How well do you feel the police department responds to reports of bias or […]

Neighborhood Policing and Community Engagement Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the level of police presence in your neighborhood? How well do you feel the police department works with community members to address neighborhood concerns and problems? How well do you feel the police department communicates with community members about neighborhood policing initiatives and activities? How well do you feel the […]

Police Department Transparency Survey Questions

How well do you feel the police department communicates information about its policies, procedures, and operations to the public? How satisfied are you with the police department’s efforts to be transparent and open about its activities and decision-making processes? How well do you feel the police department responds to requests for public records and information? […]

Community Engagement and Outreach Survey Questions

How well do you feel the police department communicates with the community about its services, programs, and initiatives? How satisfied are you with the police department’s efforts to engage with the community and build positive relationships? Have you ever attended a community event or program organized by the police department? If yes, please describe your […]

Officer-Community Relations Survey Questions

How frequently do you interact with police officers in your community? How would you rate the overall quality of the interactions you’ve had with police officers in your community? How well do you feel police officers listen to and understand community concerns and needs? How well do you feel police officers are able to de-escalate […]

Fair and Impartial Policing Practices Questions

How well do you feel the police department is held accountable for fair and impartial policing practices? Have you personally experienced or witnessed any incidents of bias or discrimination from police officers? How well do you feel the police department investigates complaints of police misconduct? How well do you feel the police department communicates with […]

Community Survey Questions

How safe do you feel in your community during the day and at night? Are you aware of any criminal activity or safety concerns in your community? Have you ever witnessed or been a victim of a crime in your community? Are you satisfied with the level of police presence and support in your community? […]

School Safety Survey Questions

How safe do you feel sending your child to school each day? Have you ever had concerns about school safety that you reported to the police department? If so, were they addressed in a satisfactory manner? Are you satisfied with the level of police presence and support in your local school community? Have you ever […]

Small Business Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the level of police presence and support in your local business community? Have you ever interacted with a police officer in relation to your business? If so, how satisfied were you with the interaction? How safe do you feel operating your business in the community during the day and at […]

Resident Satisfaction Survey Questions

Overall, how satisfied are you with the services provided by your local police department? How often do you see police officers patrolling your neighborhood? Do you feel that the police department is visible and accessible in your community? Have you ever interacted with a police officer in your community? If so, how satisfied were you […]

Public Safety Survey Question

How safe do you feel in your community during the day and at night? What do you think are the biggest safety concerns in your community? Are there any areas or neighborhoods in your community that you feel are particularly unsafe? Have you ever witnessed or been a victim of a crime in your community? […]

Police Public Contact Survey Questions

How satisfied were you with the professionalism and courtesy of the police officer you interacted with? Did the police officer listen to your concerns and communicate clearly with you? Did the police officer treat you with respect and dignity during your interaction? Were you satisfied with the outcome of your interaction with the police officer? […]

Crime Survey Questions

Have you or anyone you know been a victim of a crime in the past year? How safe do you feel in your community during the day and at night? Have you witnessed any suspicious or criminal activity in your community recently? How satisfied are you with the police response time to emergency calls in […]

Community Engagement Survey Questions

How often do you attend community events or meetings? How do you typically receive information about community events and news? What are some challenges you face when it comes to participating in community activities or events? Are there specific community issues or concerns that you feel are not being addressed by local government or community […]

Community Safety Survey Questions

Do you feel safe in your neighborhood, and if not, what concerns you the most? Have you ever witnessed a crime in your community, and if so, did you report it to the police? What are your thoughts on community policing, and do you feel that the police are visible and accessible in your community? […]

Citizen Police Academy Survey Questions

How satisfied were you with the curriculum covered in the Citizen Police Academy? Did the Citizen Police Academy meet your expectations in terms of providing a better understanding of law enforcement practices and procedures? Did you find the instructors knowledgeable and approachable? Was the classroom environment conducive to learning and discussion? Did the practical exercises, […]