Handling of Mass Protests Survey Questions

1. Do you feel the police department responds appropriately to protests in your community?

2. Do officers allow peaceful protests to occur without interference?

3. Does the police response seem intended to respect the right to protest or to discourage it?

4. Do officers communicate with protest organizers to facilitate safe, lawful demonstrations?

5. Have you observed officers using unnecessary force or aggression against peaceful protesters?

6. Do police practices provoke or escalate tensions during protests in your experience?

7. Are officers adequately trained in strategies to safely manage large crowds and mass demonstrations?

8. Does the police department engage positively with activists to understand protest goals?

9. Do officers make efforts to distinguish between lawful, peaceful protesters and unlawful activities?

10. Does the presence of police in riot gear or tactical teams at protests contribute to tensions?

11. Should plainclothes officers and community liaison teams have a greater role engaging protesters?

12. Are protesters given clear instructions and opportunities to disperse before arrests or force is used?

13. Do officers intervene if protesters become hostile toward each other or counter-protesters?

14. Have protests in your community resulted in property damage, injuries or other outcomes due to police practices?

15. What changes in policies, training or leadership would lead to improved police handling of protests?

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