Fairness and Impartiality in Policing Survey Questions

  1. How would you rate the overall fairness and impartiality of the police department in our community?
  2. Have you or someone you know ever felt unfairly targeted or treated by the police department? If so, please describe the incident.
  3. How well do you feel the police department addresses biases and discrimination within its ranks?
  4. How well do you feel the police department handles complaints of bias or discrimination?
  5. Have you ever participated in a community event or program focused on promoting fairness and impartiality in policing? If so, how effective do you feel it was?
  6. In your opinion, what steps can the police department take to promote fairness and impartiality in its policing practices?
  7. How well do you feel the police department interacts with diverse communities within our community?
  8. Have you ever witnessed or experienced police misconduct related to fairness and impartiality? If so, please describe the incident.
  9. How well do you feel the police department ensures equal treatment under the law for all members of our community?
  10. Is there anything else you would like to share about your perceptions of fairness and impartiality in policing in our community?

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