Domestic Violence Response Survey Questions

1. How would you rate the police response to domestic violence in your community?

2. Do officers seem to take domestic violence calls seriously and make them a high priority?

3. When police respond to a domestic violence call, do they try to determine the primary aggressor?

4. Do officers interview the victim and suspect in separate spaces when responding to a domestic violence call?

5. Do police allow the victim to express their concerns and provide resources when responding to domestic violence calls?

6. Does it take a long time for police to respond to reports of domestic violence in your area?

7. Are victims treated with sensitivity and concern when officers respond to domestic violence calls?

8. Do officers seem well-trained to handle domestic violence situations appropriately?

9. Does the police department work well with local domestic violence advocacy organizations?

10. Do police thoroughly investigate domestic violence allegations and collect evidence?

11. Do officers follow-up after initial response to a domestic violence call for additional support?

12. Does the police department educate the community about domestic violence issues and resources?

13. Do police make arrest decisions in domestic violence cases in an appropriate, consistent manner?

14. What could be done to improve police response to domestic violence calls in your community?

15. Do you feel confident police would handle a domestic violence situation effectively if called?

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