Law Enforcement Policy Assessment Survey

How well-informed do you feel about the current departmental policies and procedures? Do you believe there is sufficient training provided to ensure understanding of department policies? In your opinion, are department policies consistently applied to all personnel? Have you encountered any challenges in implementing department policies in your daily duties? To what extent do you […]

Top 25 Police Survey Questions to ask Officers

How motivated are you currently feeling to perform your duties as a police officer? (scale of 1-5, 1 being not motivated) How supported do you feel by agency leadership regarding your physical and psychological wellbeing? (scale of 1-5, 1 not supported) How fairly and consistently do you feel discipline is administered within the department? (scale […]

Resilience Workshop Effectiveness Survey

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall stress level before participating in the resilience workshop? Did the workshop content provide practical strategies for managing stress and enhancing resilience? How satisfied are you with the variety of coping mechanisms discussed during the workshop? Were the workshop facilitators knowledgeable and effective […]

Officer Resilience and Peer Support Survey Questions

1. Are you aware of any mental health or peer support programs available through your department? 2. Have you ever used mental health counseling services offered through the department? 3. If yes, how useful were the services in helping you cope with stress and challenges on the job? 4. How comfortable do you feel speaking […]

Rookie Officer Experience Survey Questions

1. How well did the academy training prepare you for the realities of the job? 2. How satisfied are you with the field training you received when starting on the job? 3. How supported did you feel by your field training officer(s)? 4. How comfortable did you feel seeking advice or assistance from more experienced […]

Officer Home Life Survey Questions

1. How often does your job keep you from spending time with family or friends outside of work hours? 2. How much do the demands of your job affect your personal relationships with spouse/partner or other family members? 3. How often does your job make you too tired to engage in family activities or responsibilities? […]

In-Service Training Survey Questions and Answers

1. How useful was the in-service training in providing updates on laws, policies, and procedures? a) Extremely useful b) Very useful c) Moderately useful d) Slightly useful e) Not at all useful 2. Did the training adequately cover emerging issues and trends in policing? a) Yes, absolutely b) Yes, for the most part c) Somewhat […]

Measure Police Officer Fatigue and Wellness Survey Questions

How many consecutive days do you typically work before having at least two days off in a row? On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night before a shift? How often do you feel fatigued during your shift? Do you feel that your work schedule allows for adequate time for rest […]

Trust and Safety Survey Questions

How safe do you feel in your neighborhood? Have you ever been a victim of a crime in your neighborhood? How satisfied are you with the police department’s response to your safety concerns? Do you feel comfortable reporting crimes to the police department? Have you ever witnessed a crime in your neighborhood? If so, did […]

Communication and Engagement in Policing: 15 Survey Questions for Officers

Do you feel that your immediate supervisor is approachable and communicates effectively with you? How often do you receive feedback from your supervisor about your performance, and do you find it helpful? How often do you receive recognition or praise for your contributions to the department? How often do you have opportunities to provide feedback […]

Police Officer Compensation Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your current compensation package as a police officer? Have you ever felt that your compensation is not commensurate with the risks and demands of your job? What benefits or compensation incentives would motivate you to stay with the department long-term? Are you aware of any pay disparities or unequal compensation […]

20 Most popular questions to ask on a police officer engagement survey

How satisfied are you with your job as a police officer? Do you feel that you have the necessary resources and equipment to perform your job effectively? How often do you feel that your work is recognized and appreciated by your supervisors? How satisfied are you with the opportunities for career development and advancement within […]

20 Mental Well-being Survey Questions

Have you ever received any training or education on mindfulness practices? How frequently do you currently engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises? In your opinion, how important is mindfulness in promoting mental well-being for law enforcement officers? Do you believe that mindfulness practices can improve your ability to handle stressful […]

360-Degree Feedback Survey Questions

How would you rate the police leader’s ability to communicate effectively with their team? How well does the police leader listen to and address concerns raised by team members? How would you rate the police leader’s ability to delegate tasks effectively? Does the police leader provide clear expectations and guidance for their team? How well […]

Police Officer Opinion Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your job as a law enforcement officer? How well does your supervisor communicate with you regarding law enforcement matters? Do you feel like your skills and talents are being fully utilized in your role as a law enforcement officer? How likely are you to recommend this law enforcement agency as […]

Fit and Belonging Survey Questions For Police Officers

How comfortable do you feel bringing up concerns or issues with your supervisor? How supported do you feel in your role as a police officer? How satisfied are you with the training opportunities provided by the department?

Police Management Survey Questions

How effective do you believe the department’s leadership is in promoting a positive organizational culture? On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you feel your immediate supervisor communicates expectations and provides constructive feedback?

Police Psychological Safety Survey Questions

How would you rate your comfort level on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least comfortable and 10 being the most comfortable, when it comes to speaking up about potential safety concerns while on duty?Do you feel like your department’s leadership encourages open communication and collaboration among officers

Employee Voice Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your job overall? How would you rate the level of support you receive from your supervisor/manager?

Do you feel that your workload is manageable? If not, what changes would you suggest? Are you satisfied with the compensation and benefits you receive?

Keep officers engaged, motivated, and productive survey questions

How satisfied are you with the training and development opportunities provided by the department? Have you received recognition or rewards for good performance in the past year? How would you rate the overall work environment within the department? Do you feel comfortable sharing your concerns and opinions with your colleagues and superiors? Do you have […]

Officer Skills and Professional Development Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the current opportunities for professional development provided by the department? What additional skills or training do you believe would benefit you in your current role as a police officer? Have you received any training or development opportunities in the past year that you felt were particularly beneficial to your professional […]

Police Officer Shift Scheduling and Work-Life Balance Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your current shift schedule? How does your shift schedule affect your ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance? How often do you feel fatigued or exhausted due to your shift schedule? Do you feel that your shift schedule is fairly distributed among officers in your department? How does your shift […]

Police Officer Mental Health and Wellness Support Survey Questions

Have you ever sought mental health or wellness support resources through our department’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Do you believe that your department places a high enough priority on mental health and wellness support for its officers? How frequently do you experience stress or anxiety related to your work as a police officer? How comfortable […]

Use of Body-Worn Cameras and Audio Recording Devices Survey Questions

How frequently do you wear your body-worn camera and audio recording device during your shifts? How do you believe the use of your body-worn camera and audio recording device affects your behavior during interactions with the public? To what extent do you believe the use of your body-worn camera and audio recording device increases your […]

Law Enforcement Job Evaluation Questions

How well do your job duties align with your expectations when you initially accepted your position within the department? Do you feel that you have been provided with the necessary resources and equipment to effectively carry out your job duties? How would you rate the level of support you have received from your immediate supervisor […]

Law Enforcement Retention Questions

How satisfied are you with your current position within the department, including your job duties, workload, and responsibilities? How would you rate the level of support you have received from the department in achieving your professional goals and aspirations? Have you ever considered leaving your current position within the department? If so, what factors contributed […]

Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict Questions

How would you rate your ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with your fellow officers and colleagues within the department? Have you witnessed or experienced any instances of conflict or disagreement between colleagues or within the department? If so, how were these conflicts resolved? Do you feel that the department provides adequate support and training […]

Promoting Professional Development Questions

Have you been given clear opportunities for career advancement within the department? How satisfied are you with the department’s training and development programs, including the quality and relevance of training materials and instructors? How well does the department support officers seeking continuing education or professional certifications? Do you feel that there is a clear understanding […]

Building a Better Department Questions

How satisfied are you with your current work environment and overall department culture? How would you rate your level of trust in the leadership and management of our department? How often do you receive feedback on your job performance, and how helpful do you find this feedback? Do you feel that your workload is reasonable […]

Stress Management Survey Questions For Police Officers

On a scale of 1-10, how often do you experience stress in your work as a police officer? What are the most common causes of stress in your job as a police officer? How does stress affect your work performance as a police officer? How do you typically cope with stress in your job as […]

Police Officer Feedback and Suggestions Survey Questions

In what ways do you think the department can improve its training programs? How satisfied are you with the communication and feedback you receive from your superiors? Do you feel that your workload is reasonable and manageable? Are there any policies or procedures that you think should be updated or revised? How satisfied are you […]

Work Satisfaction and Retention Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your current job as a police officer? On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend a career in law enforcement to someone else? How valued do you feel by your department? How satisfied are you with your work-life balance? How satisfied are you with your pay and […]

Officer-Involved Shooting Incident Review Survey Questions

How well do you feel the police department reviews and evaluates officer-involved shooting incidents? How well do you feel the police department communicates the results of officer-involved shooting incident reviews to the community? How well do you feel the police department supports officers involved in shooting incidents during and after the review process? How well […]

Police Officer Training and Development Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the current training and development opportunities provided by the police department? How well do you feel the current training and development opportunities prepare you for your job duties as a police officer? Are there any specific areas or topics related to police work that you feel are not adequately covered […]

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Survey Questions

How well do you feel the police department values and supports diversity, equity, and inclusion among its officers and the communities they serve? How well do you feel the police department provides training and education on diversity, equity, and inclusion? How well do you feel the police department fosters a culture of respect and inclusion […]

Technology and Equipment Needs Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the current technology and equipment provided to you as a police officer? How well do you feel the current technology and equipment help you perform your job safely and effectively? Are there any specific pieces of equipment or technology that you feel are lacking or inadequate for your job duties? […]

Departmental Culture and Morale Survey Questions 

How satisfied are you with the overall culture of the police department? How well do you feel the police department values and respects its officers? How well do you feel the police department supports the well-being and mental health of its officers? How well do you feel the police department encourages and fosters a sense […]

Use of Force Policy and Training Survey Questions

How familiar are you with the police department’s use of force policy and guidelines? How often do you receive training on the use of force policy and guidelines? How confident are you in your ability to apply the use of force policy in real-life situations? Have you ever been involved in a use of force […]

Police Officer Happiness Survey Questions

Overall, how satisfied are you with your job as a police officer within this department? How satisfied are you with the level of support and guidance provided by your supervisors? Do you feel that your workload is manageable and appropriate for your role as a police officer? How satisfied are you with the opportunities for […]

Diversity and Inclusion Survey Question for Police Departments

How comfortable do you feel discussing issues related to diversity and inclusion with your colleagues and supervisors? How satisfied are you with the level of diversity and representation within the department? Have you personally experienced or witnessed any instances of bias or discrimination within the department? How well do you feel the department’s policies and […]

Onboarding Survey Questions for newly hired Police Officers

Did the onboarding process provide you with a clear understanding of the expectations and responsibilities of your role as a police officer? Was the training provided during the onboarding process relevant and helpful in preparing you for your duties as a police officer? Were you provided with adequate information about the department’s policies and procedures […]

Police Academy Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with the overall training and education provided in the police academy program? How well do you feel the police academy prepared you for the job of a police officer? How well do you feel the police academy equipped you with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform your job duties? How […]

Mental Health Survey Questions

1. Have you experienced any symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions within the past year? 2. Have you sought out any mental health resources or support services provided by the police department or outside organizations? 3. How satisfied are you with the mental health resources and support services provided by the police […]

Exit Survey Questions

What was the primary reason for leaving the police department? How satisfied were you with the training and development opportunities provided by the police department? How satisfied were you with your work schedule and the amount of time off you received? How satisfied were you with your compensation and benefits package? How satisfied were you […]

Organizational Survey Questions

1. How well do you feel the police department's mission and values align with your personal values? 2. How well do you feel the police department communicates its goals and objectives to its employees? 3. How well do you feel the police department encourages employee feedback and suggestions? 4. How well do you feel the […]

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questions

Certainly, here are ten new questions for an Employee Satisfaction Survey for a police department: How satisfied are you with the level of teamwork and collaboration within your department? How satisfied are you with the amount and quality of feedback you receive on your job performance? How satisfied are you with the level of training […]

Pulse Survey Questions

How satisfied are you with your current job as a police officer? How satisfied are you with your work-life balance? How satisfied are you with the level of support and resources provided to you by the police department? How well do you feel the police department communicates with its employees? How well do you feel […]

Training Survey Questions

1. Were the training topics relevant to your job as a police officer? 2. Did the training sessions provide you with valuable information and skills? 3. Was the training delivered in a manner that was easy to understand and engaging? 4. Were the trainers knowledgeable and able to answer your questions? 5. Were the training […]

Pre-Employment Questions

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If so, please explain. Have you ever used illegal drugs? If so, please explain. Do you have any physical conditions that would prevent you from performing the essential functions of a police officer? Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign from a previous job? If […]

Recruitment Survey Questions

What motivated you to apply for a job with the police department? How did you hear about the job opportunity with the police department? Were the job requirements and qualifications clearly communicated during the application process? Were the application and hiring processes clear and easy to navigate? How satisfied were you with the level of […]

Police Officer Survey Questions

1. How satisfied are you with your current role as a police officer? 2. Are you satisfied with the support and resources provided to you by the police department? 3. How satisfied are you with your current working conditions and schedule? 4. Are you satisfied with the level of training and professional development opportunities available […]