Police Academy Survey Questions

  • How satisfied are you with the overall training and education provided in the police academy program?
  • How well do you feel the police academy prepared you for the job of a police officer?
  • How well do you feel the police academy equipped you with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform your job duties?
  • How well do you feel the police academy prepared you to handle difficult or high-pressure situations on the job?
  • How satisfied are you with the level of support and guidance provided by the police academy instructors and staff?
  • How satisfied are you with the physical fitness training provided by the police academy program?
  • How well do you feel the police academy program prepared you for cultural sensitivity and working with diverse communities?
  • How well do you feel the police academy program prepared you for addressing mental health concerns in the community?
  • How well do you feel the police academy program prepared you for addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, such as children or the elderly?
  • What suggestions or feedback do you have?

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