Mental Health Survey Questions

1. Have you experienced any symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions within the past year?
2. Have you sought out any mental health resources or support services provided by the police department or outside organizations?
3. How satisfied are you with the mental health resources and support services provided by the police department?
4. How comfortable do you feel discussing mental health concerns with your supervisor or colleagues?
5. How well do you feel the police department promotes mental health awareness and support among its employees?
6. How well do you feel the police department manages and supports employees who are experiencing mental health concerns?
7. Have you experienced any stigmatization or discrimination related to mental health within the police department?
8. How well do you feel the police department provides employees with adequate time off to address mental health concerns?
9. How well do you feel the police department provides employees with a work-life balance that supports good mental health?
10. What suggestions or feedback do you have for the police department to improve the mental health support for its employees?

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