Technology and Equipment Needs Survey Questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the current technology and equipment provided to you as a police officer?
  2. How well do you feel the current technology and equipment help you perform your job safely and effectively?
  3. Are there any specific pieces of equipment or technology that you feel are lacking or inadequate for your job duties?
  4. Are there any specific pieces of equipment or technology that you feel would help you perform your job duties more safely and effectively?
  5. How often do you receive training on the use of new technology and equipment?
  6. How well do you feel the police department assesses and responds to the technology and equipment needs of its officers?
  7. How well do you feel the police department ensures the proper maintenance and repair of technology and equipment?
  8. How well do you feel the police department budgets for and prioritizes the acquisition of new technology and equipment?
  9. How well do you feel the police department considers officer input when selecting and implementing new technology and equipment?
  10. Are there any other technology or equipment-related concerns or suggestions you would like to share?

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