Communication and Engagement in Policing: 15 Survey Questions for Officers

  1. Do you feel that your immediate supervisor is approachable and communicates effectively with you?
  2. How often do you receive feedback from your supervisor about your performance, and do you find it helpful?
  3. How often do you receive recognition or praise for your contributions to the department?
  4. How often do you have opportunities to provide feedback to your supervisors on the work environment or department policies?
  5. Do you feel that your department provides you with the information and resources you need to do your job effectively?
  6. How effective is your department at communicating the goals and priorities of the organization?
  7. Do you feel that you are kept informed about changes in policies, procedures, or leadership within the department?
  8. How well do you feel that the department listens to and addresses your concerns?
  9. Do you feel that your ideas and suggestions are valued by your supervisors?
  10. How comfortable are you in approaching your supervisors or colleagues with questions or concerns?
  11. Do you feel that your department has an open and transparent culture, where information is shared freely and consistently?
  12. How effectively does your department communicate its expectations for professionalism and ethical behavior?
  13. How well do you feel that the department promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace?
  14. Do you feel that your department actively seeks and incorporates feedback from the community and other stakeholders?
  15. How satisfied are you with the overall communication and engagement practices within the department?

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