Neighborhood Watch Program Survey Questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the current neighborhood watch program?
    • Very satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Unsatisfied
    • Very unsatisfied
  2. How frequently do you participate in neighborhood watch meetings or events?
    • Regularly (monthly or more)
    • Occasionally (a few times a year)
    • Rarely
    • Never
  3. How effective do you find the communication from the police department regarding neighborhood watch updates?
    • Very effective
    • Effective
    • Neutral
    • Ineffective
    • Very ineffective
  4. How would you rate the clarity of the information provided during neighborhood watch meetings?
    • Very clear
    • Clear
    • Neutral
    • Unclear
    • Very unclear
  5. Do you feel that your concerns and suggestions are heard and addressed by the police department?
    • Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never
  6. How confident are you in the effectiveness of the neighborhood watch program in reducing crime in your area?
    • Very confident
    • Confident
    • Neutral
    • Not confident
    • Not at all confident
  7. How easy is it to access resources and support related to the neighborhood watch program?
    • Very easy
    • Easy
    • Neutral
    • Difficult
    • Very difficult
  8. How useful do you find the crime prevention tips and information provided by the neighborhood watch program?
    • Very useful
    • Useful
    • Neutral
    • Not useful
    • Not at all useful
  9. How satisfied are you with the level of interaction between police officers and neighborhood watch participants?
    • Very satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Unsatisfied
    • Very unsatisfied
  10. Do you feel that neighborhood watch activities are adequately publicized within your community?
    • Yes, very well
    • Yes, somewhat
    • Neutral
    • No, not much
    • No, not at all
  11. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood as a result of the neighborhood watch program?
    • Very safe
    • Safe
    • Neutral
    • Unsafe
    • Very unsafe
  12. How often do you receive updates or alerts from the neighborhood watch program?
    • Regularly (weekly or more)
    • Often (monthly)
    • Occasionally (few times a year)
    • Rarely
    • Never
  13. How effective do you believe neighborhood watch programs are in preventing crime?
    • Very effective
    • Effective
    • Neutral
    • Ineffective
    • Very ineffective
  14. How likely are you to recommend participation in the neighborhood watch program to your neighbors?
    • Very likely
    • Likely
    • Neutral
    • Unlikely
    • Very unlikely
  15. What improvements would you like to see in the neighborhood watch program?
    • More frequent meetings
    • Better communication and updates
    • More community engagement
    • Enhanced training for participants
    • Other (please specify)

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