Community Policing Survey Questions in 2024

  1. What is your level of satisfaction with the way our department handles community concerns?
    1. Very Dissatisfied
    2. Dissatisfied
    3. Neutral
    4. Satisfied
    5. Very Satisfied
  2. How effectively do you feel our department communicates with the community?
    1. Very Ineffectively
    2. Ineffectively
    3. Neutral
    4. Effectively
    5. Very Effectively
  3. How accessible do you find our survey options (online, paper, telephone)?
    1. Not Accessible
    2. Slightly Accessible
    3. Moderately Accessible
    4. Very Accessible
    5. Extremely Accessible
  4. Did you encounter any issues with the clarity or length of the survey?
    1. No Issues
    2. Minor Issues
    3. Moderate Issues
    4. Major Issues
    5. Not Sure
  5. How important is it to you that your survey responses are anonymous and confidential?
    1. Not Important
    2. Slightly Important
    3. Moderately Important
    4. Very Important
    5. Extremely Important
  6. How well do you think our department promotes and encourages participation in community surveys?
    1. Very Poorly
    2. Poorly
    3. Neutral
    4. Well
    5. Very Well
  7. Would incentives (e.g., small rewards or public recognition) influence your decision to participate in a survey?
    1. Not at All
    2. Slightly
    3. Moderately
    4. Very Much
    5. Extremely
  8. How timely do you believe our department is in analyzing and acting on survey responses?
    1. Very Untimely
    2. Untimely
    3. Neutral
    4. Timely
    5. Very Timely
  9. How transparent is our department in sharing survey results and actions taken based on feedback?
    1. Not Transparent
    2. Slightly Transparent
    3. Moderately Transparent
    4. Very Transparent
    5. Extremely Transparent
  10. How well does our department use survey findings to improve policing efforts and community engagement?
    1. Very Poorly
    2. Poorly
    3. Neutral
    4. Well
    5. Very Well
  11. How confident are you that our department’s surveys are designed to gather meaningful and relevant feedback?
    1. Not at All Confident
    2. Slightly Confident
    3. Moderately Confident
    4. Very Confident
    5. Extremely Confident
  12. What additional feedback or suggestions do you have to improve our community surveys?
    1. (Open-ended response)

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