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Why Community Policing should be part of every Police Department

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The secret to a better and safer community? You’re right, a collaboration between the police and the community members. But in a world filled with threats, issues, and security concerns, isn’t this concept too ideal to put into realization?

Maybe. Maybe not. The answer actually lies in the willingness of both parties. The police department and community members should work together. They should work together in order to identify and solve the immediate concerns of the community.

Let’s make sure that we are actually on the same page when we talk about the importance of community policing. What is it? Why do we have to know about it?

What is Community Policing?

Community Policing is actually a collaborative strategy developed to create a stronger bond between the law enforcement agency and the people (as well as organizations) in the community.

It was generally conceptualized in order to:

develop solutions to problems of the community increase public trust in the law enforcement agency (or the Police)prevent crime from happening instead of just responding to the incidents that may occur; and encourage active participation among all stakeholders in the community – by allowing them to play a significant role in addressing the public safety concerns

Should Community Policing be part of every Police Department?

With the increasing number of cases that threaten public safety, Community Policing would greatly help in crime prevention. With the cooperation of the community and well-planned actions taken, better police services and more effective crime prevention efforts will be given to the people – something that everyone deserves.

If you are concerned with the safety of your community, then yes, there is a need to implement and learn the importance of community policing in your area. Every member and organizations belonging to the same community – local government, business establishments, public and private agencies, schools, hospitals, churches, and most especially local residents – must participate in this course of action for the welfare of the whole neighborhood.  

Not only that, but community policing also advocates proactive intervention to the incoming issues and concerns of the people in the community. This encourages every member to be responsible for taking action on what could possibly turn out as a major problem in the community in the future. Hence, developing actual solutions before the problem arises.

In Summary

In these times of uncertainty, community members must take a unified stand to fight crimes and violence, as well as commit to helping the law enforcement agency in the intervention of all illegal activities and unlawful behaviors. Along with them, the Police Department must initiate strategies – like Community Policing – that will make the community united and safe, that no crime or disorder can thrive in it. To make Community Policing easier for both parties, check out state-of-the-art software, Officer Survey, which can now allow the community to give feedback on the services provided by the responding officers – identify and correct problematic behaviors and to provide training and tools Officers need based on data rather than assumptions. To build community trust we must learn, listen, and unite with our communities.

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