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How to Write Survey Questions that Get the Most Responses

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The best surveys should contain a simple, direct, and organized list of questions. They include a user-friendly balance of short-answer and multiple-choice questions that can source useful information from the participants.

Furthermore, most questions should be optional and presented in a way that eliminates any bias. It can be challenging to choose the right questions because you want to ensure that your survey includes an even mix of various problems.

Good Law Enforcement Survey Questions = Great Response

Good survey questions can lead to a great response from your target audience. Creating a survey that consists of consistent and clear questions can get the community to answer your question. Asking the wrong questions will result in bad results and few responses since inappropriate questioning make the survey look illegitimate.

Tips on How to Write Good Law Enforcement Survey Questions

Here are tips on writing the right law enforcement survey questions that will get you the most responses.

1. Avoid Using Leading Words

Subtle variations in wording can create significant differences in the results. In accordance with a question, “Could,” “should,” and might” all sound about the same but can produce a 20% difference. Strong words such as “prohibit” may reflect power or behavior and may create a negative outcome for the results.

2. Good Organization of Questions

Knowing how to ask your questions is an essential aspect of writing surveys to get a good response from the community. Random ordering of survey questions can have a negative effect on the quality of survey information that you gather from respondents. In a survey, the order questions appear will directly influence the responses you collect. The explanation of why the order of the questions matters is because respondents may want to be consistent in their answers.

3. Proper Wording

Proper question wording is also essential to the experience and engagement of the respondent. The respondent may be confused by a poorly worded question and fail to capture their views accurately. A respondent may misinterpret a question, leading to unclear outcomes in the end. Right question wording can help ensure that you get the insights you seek and enhance the survey’s participation and enjoyment.

4. Be Specific

Failure to clarify the intention of the question clearly can lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Be very descriptive and avoid terms that are imprecise or ambiguous. Present the subject and describe the attitudes, accidents, or timeline. It will help ensure that every participant gives the same kind of response.

5. Do Not Force Answers from Respondents

Respondents may not want to answer the information requested or may not provide answers because of privacy issues. The respondents may feel that questions about wages, occupation, finances, family life, personal hygiene, and personal, political, or religious beliefs are too invasive and may refuse to answer. Besides adding a “prefer not to answer” option, rewards and confidentiality guarantees would help.


Although you may have the resources and technical assistance to send surveys, it is the responsibility of providing the law enforcement survey to prepare questions that make sense to the respondent while adding value to your goal. Always remember that the survey’s effectiveness lies in the questions asked. With several choices that are relevant to the question, focus on creating clear and concise questions. Officer Survey focuses on these things to ensure that you have the appropriate questions to ask at the right time.

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