5 Benefits of Being Transparent With Your Employees

police officer standing

You might think that you’re leading a great team with the best members. However, some of them might be looking for a new job without your knowledge. With this, you must do your best to be transparent with your employees.

The Benefits of Being Transparent With Employees

If you’re hesitant about being transparent, you should know the benefits you can get out of it. Not only does it help you keep your team together, but it’ll also create a significant impact on your employees.

Here are five benefits of being transparent with your employees.

1. Communication

Communication is a vital aspect of workplace culture as it depicts the organization’s values. With this, managers must communicate with their employees with transparency.

Transparent communication allows both parties to give feedback for the permanent file of the employee. Future higher-ups have a chance to know their employees through an accurate view of an employee’s performance.

2. Engagement

Since higher-ups don’t always get to see employees perform up close, recognition is essential. It not only informs you of their performance, but it also makes employees feel appreciated because of their hard work. 

Due to this, employees and higher-ups are encouraged to participate in the workplace. Also, they become more committed to achieving work objectives.

3. Accountability

Accountability is about ownership and initiative. It is about holding everyone accountable for their actions. It should be instilled in everyone from day one. Accountability helps organizations move forward and become better. According to author and transformational leader Anne Loehr 93 percent of employees don’t even understand what their organization is trying to accomplish so they can align themselves with that goal. Additionally, 85 percent of leaders aren’t defining what their employees should be working on. And 84 percent describe themselves “as ‘trying but failing’ or ‘avoiding’ accountability, even when employees know what to fix and 80% of people see accountability as punishing. 

For organizations to be successful in achieving their goals the leaders must be transparent with each officer; this is a crucial element in a workplace.

4. Retention

As mentioned, top-performing officers who don’t receive feedback tend to lose interest in the job. Given this, higher-ups must find ways to recognize their officers efforts and hard work. It will avoid burnout and motivate them to do their job well.

Transparency in the workplace helps achieve this goal because there is a boost in the employees’ morale. Because of this, there is less underperformance, and there is better retention. 

5. Trust

Consistent transparency leads to a better workplace environment and builds trust. It also helps your employees know how well or bad they’re performing. Because of this, they’re allowed to change their ways or behavior.

Also, transparency allows them to take criticism professionally. Because of this, employees don’t feel personally attacked when given negative feedback.

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